Book chapters: Heading link
- Mukul Tomar, Abhinav Abraham, Keunsoo Kim, Eric Mayhew, Tonghun Lee, Kenneth Brezinsky, and Patrick Lynch “Bio-derived sustainable aviation fuels – On the verge of powering our future” Combustion Chemistry and the Carbon Neutral Future: What will the Next 25 Years of Research Require? Kenneth Brezinsky, ed. Elsevier 2023.
Articles: Heading link
- Mohammed Abdulrahman, Subharaj Hossain, Eric Mayhew, Patrick Lynch, and Kenneth Brezinsky “Experimental and fuel-surrogates modelling study of the oxidation of specialty cetane number fuels” Combustion and Flame 272 2025, 113910.
- Haruna Okada, Abhinav Abraham, Dev Patel, Dhananjay Ambre, Sathya Aswath Govind Raju, Jacob Stafford, Niranjan Miganakallu Narasimhamurthy, Eric Mayhew, Kenneth Kim, Jacob Temme, Chol-Bum Mike Kweon, Kenneth Brezinsky, Patrick Lynch, Zongxuan Sun, David Rothamer, Scott Sanders, “Onboard optical fuel sensing for enhanced combustion control in a multi-fuel compression-ignition engine.” International Journal of Engine Research 2024
- Rizwan A Shaik, Ahren W. Jasper, Patrick T. Lynch, Raghu Sivaramakrishnan, Robert S. Tranter “Initiation and Carbene Induced Radical Chain Reactions in CH2F2 Pyrolysis” ChemPhysChem, 25(1) 2024. (Front Cover)
- Dhananjay Ambre, Manaf Sheyyab, Patrick Lynch, Eric K Mayhew, Kenneth Brezinsky, “A Raman spectroscopy based chemometric approach to predict the derived cetane number of hydrocarbon jet fuels and their mixtures” Talenta 2024,
- Anuj Singhal, Ralu Divan, Anandvinod Dalmiya, Liliana Stan, Arian Ghiacy, Patrick T Lynch, Igor Paprotny, “Sequential infiltration of two-photon polymerized 3D photonic crystals for mid-IR spectroscopic applications” Journal of Vacuum Science Technology A, 42, 012404 2024.
- Nazanin Hoghooghi, Peter Chang, Scott Egbert, Matt Burch, Rizwan Ahamed Shaik, Scott Diddams, Patrick Lynch, Gregory Rieker “GHz repetition rate mid-infrared frequency comb spectroscopy of fast chemical reactions” Optica, 11(6) 876-882 (2024) (Front Cover)
- Manaf Sheyyab, Patrick Lynch, Eric Mayhew, Kenneth Brezinsky, “Optimized Synthetic Data and Semi-supervised Learning for Derived Cetane Number Prediction” Combustion and Flame, 259, 113184 2024
- Manaf Sheyyab, Mohammad Abdulrahman, Subharaj Hossain, Patrick T. Lynch, Eric K Mayhew, Kenneth Brezinsky, “Method for generating kinetically relevant fuel surrogates based on chemical functional group compositions”, Combustion and Flame, 259, 113185, 2024.
- Ashish Sutar, Anandvinod Dalmiya, Manaf Sheyyab, Hadis Anahideh, Eric K. Mayhew, Kenneth Brezinsky, Patrick T. Lynch, “Prospects for Low-Resolution NDIR Sensors to Discern Ignition Properties of Fuels” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 146(7). 2024.
- Anuj Singhal, Anandvinod Dalmiya, Patrick Lynch, and Igor Paprotny “Slow-Light Enhanced CO2 sensing using 3D Photonic Crystals fabricated using Two-Photon Polymerization” IEEE Sensors Letters, 2023 doi: 10.1109/LSENS.2023.3315253.
- Jai Mehta, Patrick Lynch, Eric Mayhew, Kenneth Brezinsky “Evaluation of chemical functional group composition of jet fuels using two-dimensional gas chromatography” Energy and Fuels, 37(3), 2294–2306 2023.
- Anuj Singhal, Anandvinod Dalmiya, Patrick Lynch, and Igor Paprotny, “3D Photonic Crystals Fabricated Using 2-Photon Polymerization for Chip-Scale Spectroscopic Gas Sensing” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 35(8) 410-413 2023.
- Anandvinod Dalmiya, Manaf Sheyyab, Kenneth Brezinsky, and Patrick T. Lynch, “DCN prediction of jet fuels and their functional group surrogates using liquid phase IR absorption” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2023.
- Abraham, P. T. Lynch, N. Glumac, “On using ab initio calibration to fit temperature from AlO B-X emission” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2023.
- Dalmiya, J.M. Mehta, R.S. Tranter, P.T. Lynch “High Pressure, High Flow Rate Batch Mixing Apparatus for High Throughput Experiments” Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 2021, 114104.
- Sikes, C. Banyon, R.A. Schwind, P.T. Lynch, R. Sivaramakrishnan, A. Comandini, R.S. Tranter, “Initiation Reactions in the High Temperature Decomposition of Styrene” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23, 2021, 18432-18448. DOI
- Sharath Nagaraju, Robert Simon Tranter, Fabian Esneider Cano Ardila, Said Abid, Patrick Thomas Lynch, Gustavo A. Garcia, Jean-Francois Gil, Laurent Nahon, Nabiha Chaumeix, Andrea Comandini “Pyrolysis of ethanol studied in a new high-repetition-rate shock tube coupled to synchrotron-based double imaging photoelectron/photoion coincidence spectroscopy”. Combustion and Flame, 226 2021. 53-68 doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2020.11.035
- J.B. Randazzo, R. Sivaramakrishnan, A.W. Jasper, T. Sikes, P.T. Lynch, R.S. Tranter, “An Experimental and Theoretical Study of the High Temperature Reactions of the Four Butyl Radical Isomers” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 33 2020. 18304-18319. doi: 10.1039/D0CP02404J
- R.A. Shaik, A.L. Kastengren, R.S. Tranter, P.T. Lynch, “Temporally and Spatially Resolved X-ray Densitometry in a Shock Tube” Combustion and Flame, 224, 2021 136-149. doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2020.09.035
- M. Tao, Q. Yang, P. Lynch, P. Zhao, “Auto-ignition and reaction front dynamics in mixtures with temperature and concentration stratification” Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, section Engine and Automotive Engineering, 2020 doi:10.3389/fmech.2020.00068
- M. Tao, P. Zhao, J.P. Szybist, P. T. Lynch, H. Ge, “Insights on Autoignition in Engines: Combining Thermodynamic Trajectory and Fuel Ignition Delay Iso-Contour”, Combustion and Flame, 200, 2019 p207-218, doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2018.11.025
- M. Tao, P.T. Lynch and P. Zhao, “Kinetic Modeling of Ignition in Miniature Shock Tube”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37 2019 593-601. doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2018.05.048
- R.S. Tranter, J. B. Randazzo, P.T. Lynch, J. P. A. Lockhart, X. Chen, and C. F. Goldsmith, “High Temperature Pyrolysis of 2-Methyl Furan” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20 2018, 10826-37. doi: 10.1039/C7CP07775K
- M. Tao, A. Laich, P.T. Lynch, and P. Zhao, “On the Interpretation and Correlation of High Temperature Ignition Delays in Reactors with Varying Thermodynamic Conditions” International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 50(6) 2018, 410-424. doi: 10.1002/kin.21170
- P.T. Lynch, “Note: An Improved Solenoid Driver Valve For Miniature Shock Tubes” Review of Scientific Instruments 87 2016 056110. doi:10.1063/1.4953115
- P. T. Lynch, G. Wang “Chemical Thermometry in Miniature HRRST using 1,1,1-Trifluoroethane Dissociation” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 2017, 307-314. doi:10.1016/j.proci.2016.05.057
- P. T. Lynch, T. P. Troy, M. Ahmed, R. S. Tranter “Probing Combustion Chemistry in a Miniature Shock Tube with Synchrotron VUV Photo Ionization Mass Spectrometry” Analytical Chemistry, 87(4) 2015, 2345-2352. doi: 10.1021/ac5041633
- P. T. Lynch, C. J. Annesley, R.S. Tranter, “Dissociation of ortho-Benzyne Radicals in the High Temperature Fall-off Regime,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35(1) 2015, 148-152. doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2014.05.049
- R. S. Tranter, P. T. Lynch, “A Miniature High Repetition Rate Shock Tube,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 84(9) 2013, 094102. doi:10.1063/1.4820917
- A. Fridlyand, P. Lynch, R. S. Tranter, K. Brezinsky, “Single Pulse Shock Tube Study of Allyl Radical Recombination,” J. Phys. Chem. A, 117(23) 2013, 4762-4776. doi:10.1021/jp402391n
- P. Lynch, C. Annesley, C. Aul, X. Yang, and R. Tranter, “Recombination of Allyl Radicals in the High Temperature Fall-off Regime,” J. Phys. Chem. A, 117(23) 2013 4750-4761. doi:10.1021/jp402484v
- J. Mott Peuker, P. Lynch, H. Krier, and N. Glumac “On AlO Emission Spectroscopy as a Diagnostic in Energetic Materials Testing” Propellants, Explosives, and Pyrotechnics 38(4) 2013, 577-585. doi:10.1002/prep.201200144
- R. Tranter, P. Lynch, and C. Annesley, “A Shock Tube Investigation of CH3 + CH3OCH3,” J. Phys. Chem. A, 116 (27), 2012 7287–7292. doi:10.1021/jp302761b
- R. Tranter, P. Lynch, and X. Yang, “Dissociation of Dimethyl Ether at High Temperatures,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 2012, 591-598. doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2012.05.021
- P. Lynch, H. Krier, and N. Glumac, “Micro-alumina Particle Volatilization Temperature Measurements in a Heterogeneous Shock Tube,” Combustion and Flame 159(2) 2011 793-801. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2011.07.023
- P. Lynch, H. Krier, and N. Glumac, “Emissivity Measurements of Aluminum Oxide at Elevated Temperature,” AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 24(2), 2010, 301-308. doi: 10.2514/1.43853
- P. Lynch, G. Fiore, H. Krier, and N. Glumac, “Gas-phase Reactions in the Combustion of Nano-aluminum,” Combustion Science Technology, 182(7), 2010, 842-857. doi: 10.1080/00102200903341561
- T. Bazyn, P. Lynch, H. Krier, and N. Glumac, “Combustion Measurements of Fuel-Rich Aluminum and Molybdenum Oxide Nano-composite Mixtures,” Propellants, Explosives, and Pyrotechnics, 35(2), 2010, 93-99. doi:10.1002/prep.200900016.
- J. Mott Peuker, P. Lynch, N. Glumac, and H. Krier, “Optical Depth Measurements of Fireballs from Aluminized High Explosives,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 47(9), 2009, 1009-1015. doi:10.1016/j.optlaseng.2009.04.011
- P. Lynch, H. Krier, and N. Glumac, “A Correlation for Burn Time of Aluminum Particles in the Transition Regime,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 32, 2009, 1887-1893. doi:10.1016/j.proci.2008.06.205
Presentations and Conference Papers: Heading link
- Mohammed Abdulrahman Subharaj Hossain, Patrick Lynch, Kenneth Brezinsky, “Chemical Functional Group Based Surrogates for CN and SAF Blend Reactivity Prediction”, MACCCR, Georgia Tech, Sept 2024.
- Abhinav Abraham, Kenneth Brezinsky, Patrick Lynch, “Spectral Surrogate Methods and Predictions of Fuel Properties Beyond DCN for Feed Forward Control” MACCCR, Georgia Tech, Sept 2024.
- Dhananjay Ambre, Patrick Lynch, Kenneth Brezinsky, “Compact Fuel Sensing Update and Methods for CFG Prediction from Spectra” MACCCR, Georgia Tech, Sept 2024.
- Jerry Chethalan, Patrick Lynch, Kenneth Brezinsky, “GC/MS/VUV Analysis of Fuel Blends (including gasoline), implication to CFG Assignments” MACCCR, Georgia Tech, Sept 2024.
- Alice Moro, Ashish Sutar, Abhinav Abraham, Kenneth Brezinsky, and Patrick T. Lynch “Sensing Fuel Enthalpy of Vaporization from IR Spectra: Comparison of Model Approaches” Scitech 2025.
- Hossain, M. Abdulrahman, P. Lynch, K. Brezinsky “Study of low-to-moderate temperature oxidation of 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene/n-heptane blends” Central States Section of Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting May 2024.
- Mohammed Abdulrahman, Subharaj Hossain, Manaf Sheyyab, P. T. Lynch, K. Brezinsky “Experimental and fuel-surrogates modeling study of the oxidation of specialty jet fuels” Central States Section of Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting May 2024.
- Ashish Sutar, Kenneth Brezinsky, Patrick T. Lynch “Improving Property Predictions for Jet Fuels with NDIR Channel Optimization” Central States Section of Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting May 2024.
- Alice Moro, Rizwan A. Shaik, Ashish Sutar, Patrick Lynch “Enhancement of Weak Absorption Signals in High Throughput Shock Tube Through Ensemble Averaging” Central States Section of Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting May 2024.
- Jerry P. Chethalan, Patrick T. Lynch, Kenneth Brezinsky “Evaluation of UNIFAC Group Composition of Gasoline Using Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography” Central States Section of Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting May 2024.
- Rizwan A. Shaik, Raghu Sivaramakrishnan, Subharaj Hossain, Kenneth Brezinsky, Patrick T. Lynch, “Measuring H abstraction rates in F + butene using absorption spectroscopy in a miniature shock tube” Central States Section of Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting May 2024.
- Dev B. Patel, Ashish Sutar, Abhinav Abraham, Dhananjay Ambre, Haruna Okada, Jacob M. Stafford, Niranjan Miganakallu, Eric Mayhew, Kenneth S. Kim, Scott Sanders, David Rothamer, Kenneth Brezinsky, Patrick T. Lynch “On-Board Fuel Sensing for UAS and Ground Vehicle Applications” 2024 Ground Vehicle Systems & Technology Symposium and Modernization Update, Aug 13 2024.
- Nazanin Hoghooghi (invited), Peter Chang, Scott Egbert, Matt Burch, Rizwan Shaik, Patrick Lynch, Scott Diddams, and Gregory B. Riker, “Chemical kinetics study with a GHz mid-infrared dual-comb spectrometer.” CLEO 2024.
- Nazanin Hoghooghi, Peter Chang, Scott Egbert, Matt Burch, Ragib Ishrak, Rohith Reddy, Patrick Lynch, Scott Diddams, and Gregory B. Rieker “GHz repetition rate mid-infrared lasers for dual-comb spectroscopy” Submitted to Optica Sensors Congress 2023.
- Anuj Singhal, Anandvinod Dalmiya, Patrick T. Lynch, Igor Paprotny, “Slow-Light Enhanced CO2 sensing using Two-Photon Polymerized 3D Photonic Crystals”, Submitted to IEEE Sensors Jun 2023.
- Rizwan A. Shaik, P. Lynch “Difluoromethane decomposition using laser absorption spectroscopy, and other shock tube studies advantaged by multi-species trace gas sensing”, QUADMARTS, Estes Park CO, Jun 2023.
- Abhinav Abraham, Dev B. Patel, Anandvinod Dalmiya, Ashish Sutar, Haruna Okada, Dhananjay Ambre, Manaf Sheyyab, Kenneth Brezinsky, Scott Sanders, Patrick Lynch “Characteristics of Onboard Sensors for Fuel Ignition Performance in Unmanned Aircraft Systems” AIAA Scitech Jan 2024, Orlando FL.
- Nazanin Hoghooghi, Peter Chang, Scott Egbert, Matt Burch, Patrick Lynch, Scott Diddams, Gregory Rieker, “Mid-infrared dual-comb spectroscopy for high-speed chemical kinetics measurements in a shock tube” CLEO 2023, San Jose.
- Anuj Singhal, Ralu Divan, Anandvinod Dalmiya, Patrick Lynch, Liliana Stan, Igor Paprotny, “Towards Sequentially Infiltrated Two-Photon Polymerized 3d Photonic Crystals for Mid-IR Spectroscopic Applications” ALD/ALE 2023, Bellevue, WA.
- P. Lynch “Compact, Valve-Based Shock Tube”, 2023 MACCCR, Sandia.
- P. Lynch, K. Brezinsky “VLE experiments for molecular force models anchoring”, 2023 MACCCR, Sandia.
- A. Sutar, K. Brezinsky, P. Lynch “Optimal cetane number prediction with spectrally sparse data and implication to compact fuel sensors” 2023 MACCCR, Sandia.
- A Dalmiya, K. Brezinsky, P. Lynch “Infrared absorption based cetane number prediction and implication to compact fuel sensors” 2023 MACCCR, Sandia.
- M. Sheyyab, P. Lynch, K. Brezinsky “Functional group based prediction model for fuel property sensing” 2023 MACCCR Sandia.
- Anandvinod Dalmiya, Jai M. Mehta, Manaf Sheyyab, Eric K. Mayhew, Kenneth Brezinsky, and Patrick T Lynch, “Estimations of Chemical Functional Group Compositions in Jet Fuels from IR Spectra using ML Models” USNCM 2023 College Park TX.
- Dhananjay Ambre, Manaf Sheyyab, Patrick Lynch, Kenneth Brezinsky “A Raman spectroscopy based chemometric approach to predict the derived cetane number of hydrocarbon jet fuels for real world applications” USNCM 2023 College Park TX.
- R.A. Shaik, R. Sivaramakrishnan, A.W. Jasper, R.S. Tranter, P.T. Lynch, “A Study on Initial Decomposition of Difluoromethane (CH2F2) Using Laser Absorption Spectroscopy in a Miniature Shock Tube” USNMC 2023 College Park TX.
- Mukul Tomar, Matthew Burch, Jerry Chethalan, Jonathan Komperda, Patrick T. Lynch, “Design Characteristics of a Fast-acting Driver Valve for a Diaphragm-free Shock Tube” USNMC 2023 College Park TX.
- Manaf Sheyyab, Jai M. Mehta, Patrick T. Lynch, Eric K. Mayhew, Kenneth Brezinsky, “Prediction of Derived Cetane Number From Chemical Functional Group Compositions” USNMC 2023 College Park TX.
- Ashish Sutar, Anandvinod Dalmiya, Manaf Sheyyab, Eric K. Mayhew, Hadis Anahideh, Kenneth Brezinsky, Patrick Lynch, “Prospects for Low-Resolution Ndir Sensors to Discern Ignition Properties of Fuels” ASME 2023 Turbomachinery Technical Conference.
- Anandvinod Dalmiya, Manaf Sheyyab, Eric K. Mayhew, Kenneth Brezinsky, Patrick Lynch, “Comparison of Infrared Spectroscopic Methods in Predicting Dcn of Jet Fuels and Their Blends Using Chemometric Tools.” Submitted for ASME 2023 Turbomachinery Technical Conference.
- Ashish Sutar, Anandvinod Dalmiya, Manaf Sheyyab, Eric K. Mayhew Kenneth Brezinsky, Patrick T. Lynch, “A strategy for optimized non-dispersive infrared sensors for derived cetane number discernment of jet fuels” Accepted for SAE WCX 2023 Military Ground Vehicles/Advanced Propulsion Session, 2023.
- Raghu Sivaramakrishnan, Ahren W. Jasper, Rizwan A. Shaik, Patrick T. Lynch, Robert S. Tranter, “Radical Chain Propagation Induced by CHF Self-reaction Influences Thermal Initiation in CH2F2” American Geophysical Union for Dec 2022.
- Nazanin Hoghooghi, Peter Chang, Matt Burch, Scott Egbert, Scott Diddams, Patrick Lynch, Greg Reiker, “1-GHz MIR dual-comb spectrometer for high-speed chemical kinetic studies” 2022 IEEE Photonics Conference.
- Anandvinod Dalmiya, Manaf Sheyyab, Kenneth Brezinsky, and Patrick T. Lynch, “DCN prediction of jet fuels and their functional group surrogates using liquid phase IR absorption” International Symposium on Combustion, Vancouver, CAN, July 2022.
- A. Abraham, P. T. Lynch, N. Glumac, “On using ab initio calibration to fit temperature from AlO B-X emission” International Symposium on Combustion, Vancouver, CAN, July 2022.
- J.M. Mehta, P.T. Lynch, K. Brezinsky, “Estimation of UNIFAC group composition of fuels using hydrocarbon group type analysis” Central States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, May 2022.
- A. Dalmiya, M. Sheyyab, K. Brezinsky, P. Lynch, “IR based derived cetane number prediction of jet fuels from samples of neat hydrocarbons and their mixtures” Central States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, May 2022.
- A. Sutar, A. Dalmiya, M. Sheyyab, W. Wang, K. Brezinsky, P.T. Lynch, “Optimal channel selection for derived cetane number prediction in non-dispersive near and short-wave IR sensors” Central States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, May 2022.
- D. Ambre, M. Sheyyab, P. Lynch, K. Brezinsky, “A Raman spectroscopy based chemometric approach to predict the derived cetane number of hydrocarbon jet fuels” Central States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, May 2022.
- M. Sheyyab, J.M. Mehta, P.T. Lynch, K. Brezinsky, “Prediction of derived cetane number using only UNIFAC group compositions of hydrocarbon mixtures with machine learning” Central States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, May 2022.
- P.T. Lynch, P. Begalowski, R. Cruz, M. Pekala, A.L. Kastengren, “High-speed X-ray radiography of nozzle ablation after SRMs” AIAA SciTech, Jan 2021.
- A. Shaik, A. L. Kastengren, P. T. Lynch, “Examination of the Suitability of Thermal Boundary Layer Analysis for Boundary Layer Growth in a Miniature Shock Tube.” US National Meeting on Combustion, Pasadena CA, Mar 2019.
- R.A. Shaik, A.L. Kastengren, and P.T. Lynch, “Radically and Temporally Resolved X-Ray Densitometry in Miniature Shock Tube” Central States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, May 2018.
- M. Tao, P. Zhao, P. Lynch, “Insights on Fuel Performance in Advanced Compression Ignition Engines: Combining Engine Thermodynamic Trajectory and Fuel Ignition Delay Iso-Contour”, Central States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, May 2018.
- M. Tao, P. Lynch, P. Zhao, “Chemical Kinetic Modeling of Ignition in HRRST”, Central States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, May 2018.
- M. Tao, A. Laich, P.T. Lynch, and P. Zhao, “On the Interpretation and Correlation of High Temperature Ignition Delays in Reactors with Varying Thermodynamic Conditions” International Conference on Chemical Kinetics, Chicago, IL, May 2017.
- A.R. Laich and P.T. Lynch “Ignition Delay Time Measurements in a High Repetition Rate Shock Tube.” 10th US National Meeting on Combustion, College Park MD, April 2017.
- M. Tao, P. Zhao, and P.T. Lynch, “Inverse Livengood –Wu integration method for analyzing ignition delay times in reactors with varying conditions” 10th US National Meeting on Combustion, College Park MD, April 2017.
- J.P.A. Lockhart, P.T. Lynch, A.M. Mebel, S.J. Klippenstein, R.S. Tranter, “A Shock Tube Laser Schlieren Study of Phenyl Chloride Pyrolysis” 10th US National Meeting on Combustion, College Park MD, April 2017.
- P. T. Lynch, G. Wang “Chemical Thermometry in Miniature HRRST using 1,1,1-Trifluoroethane Dissociation” International Symposium on Combustion, Seoul, Korea, Aug 2016.
- “Chemical Thermometry in Miniature Shock Tube” P. Lynch, G. Wang, Central States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, May 2016.
- “Developing a Soot Measurement System Using Shock Tube and Laser Scattering” G. Wang, P. Lynch, Central States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical meeting, May 2016.
- “Species Concentrations in Miniature Engines Using Synchrotron Sourced PIMS”, G. Wang, P. Lynch, U.S. National Meeting on Combustion, May 2015, Cincinnati, OH.
- “Improving Chamber Homogeneity in Continuously Sampled RCM’s Through Novel Geometry Addition” G. Arroyo, P. Lynch, U.S. National Meeting on Combustion, May 2015, Cincinnati, OH.
- “Hard X-ray and VUV Synchrotron Experiments with a Miniature Shock Tube” R. Tranter, P. Lynch, C. Annesley, U.S. National Meeting on Combustion, May 2015, Cincinnati, OH.
- “A Chemical Kinetics Shock Tube for Synchrotron Studies”, R. Tranter, P. Lynch, Photon Tools for Physical Chemistry 2014, Sept 2014, Beatenberg, Switzerland.
- “Dissociation of ortho-Benzyne Radicals in the High Temperature Fall-off Regime” P. Lynch, C.J. Annesley, R. Tranter, International Symposium on Combustion, August 2014, San Francisco, CA.
- “High Repetition Rate Miniature Shock Tube for Synchrotron Based Combustion Measurements” P. Lynch, K. Lam, C. Annesley, R. Tranter, Central States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Meeting, Mar 2014, Tulsa, OK.
- “Dissociation of 2-Methyl Furan at High Temperatures.” Lam, C. Annesley, P. Lynch, R. Tranter, Central States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Meeting, Mar 2014, Tulsa, OK.
- “High Temperature Allyl Recombination Kinetics” P. Lynch, C. Annesley, A, Fridlyand, K. Brezinsky, R. Tranter, US National Meeting on Combustion, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 2013.
- “A Shock tube laser schlieren study of cyclopentane ring opening” C. Annesley, P. Lynch, D. Garon, R. Tranter, US National Meeting on Combustion, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 2013.
- “High temperature sources of phenyl and benzyne radicals and their reactions” R. Tranter, P. Lynch, C. Annesley, 22nd International Symposium on Gas Kinetics, June 2012, Boulder, CO.
- “A Shock Tube Laser Schlieren Study of 1-Pentene dissociation” C. Annesley, P. Lynch, D. Garon, R. Tranter, Central States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Meeting, April 2012, Dayton, OH.
- “Allyl Iodide Decomposition Kinetics by Laser Schlieren Densitometry” P. Lynch, C. Annesley, R. Tranter, Central States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Meeting, April 2012, Dayton, OH.
- “High-Temperature Allyl Recombination Kinetics by Laser Schlieren Densitometry” P. Lynch, C. Annesley, R. Tranter, Argonne Postdoc Symposium, 23 October 2011, Argonne, IL.
- “High Temperature Dissociation of o-Benzyne and C6H5F” R. Tranter, P. Lynch, X. Yang, International Conference on Chemical Kinetics, 10-14 July 2011, Cambridge, MA.
- “High Temperature Dissociation of Dimethyl Ether in a Diaphragmless Shock Tube” X. Yang, P. Lynch, R. Tranter, 7th U.S. National Meeting on Combustion, 22 March 2011, Atlanta, GA.
- “Very High Temperature Measurements of Aluminum Combustion Using Optical Spectroscopy” P. Lynch, H. Krier, and N. Glumac, Central States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, 22 March 2010, Champaign, IL.
- “Assessing Heterogeneous Shock Tube Burntime Repeatability Using Optical Test Section” P. Lynch, H. Krier, and N. Glumac, Central States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, 22 March 2010, Champaign, IL.
- “Spectroscopic Measurements Inside Underwater Combustion Bubbles” L. Kingston, P. Lynch, H. Krier, N. Glumac, Central States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, 22 March 2010, Champaign, IL.
- “Optical Spectroscopy of Fireballs from Metallized Reactive Materials” N. Glumac, H. Krier, P. Lynch, and J. Mott Peuker, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 2010, Orlando, FL.
- “Optical Measurements Inside the Fireball of Enhanced Blast Detonations” P. Lynch, H. Krier, and N. Glumac, 43rd CS/ 31st APS/ 25th PSHS JANNAF Joint Subcommittee Meeting, December 2009, La Jolla, CA.
- “Size Distribution Effects in Heterogeneous Shock Tube Burntime Experiments” P. Lynch, H. Krier, and N. Glumac, 45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Paper 2009-5053, 3-5 August 2009, Denver, CO.
- “Heterogeneous Shock Tube Measurements of Nano-Aluminum Combustion: A Comparison of Predictions of Various Models” P. Lynch, H. Krier, and N. Glumac, US National Meeting on Combustion, Paper 32G4, 18-20 May 2009, Ann Arbor, MI.
- “The Emissivity of Micro- and Nano-Particles in Non-Reacting Environments” P. Lynch, H. Krier, and N. Glumac, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Paper 2009-640, 5-8 January 2009, Orlando, FL.
- “The Presence of Gas Phase Species in Micro- and Nano-Aluminum Combustion” P. Lynch, G. Fiore, H. Krier, and N. Glumac, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Paper 2009-638, 5-8 January 2009, Orlando, FL.
- “A Correlation for Burn Time of Aluminum Particles in the Transition Regime” P. Lynch, H. Krier, and N. Glumac, 32nd International Symposium on Combustion, 4-8 August 2008, Montreal, CAN.
- “Combustion of Aluminum Particles in the Transition Regime Between the Diffusion and Kinetic Limits ” P. Lynch, N. Glumac, and H. Krier, 44th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Paper 2008-5256, 21-24 July 2008, Hartford, CT.
- “Making Burn Time Measurements in Heterogeneous Shock Tubes” P. Lynch, H. Krier, and N. Glumac, Central States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, 4 April 2008, Tuscaloosa, AL.
- “Combustion Times of Aluminum in the Transition Regime” P. Lynch, H. Krier, and N. Glumac, Central States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, 4 April 2008, Tuscaloosa, AL.
- “Combustion of 5-μm Aluminum Particles in High Temperature, High Pressure, Water Vapor Environments” P. Lynch, N. Glumac, and H. Krier, 43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Paper 2007-5643, 8-11 July 2007, Cincinnati, OH.